
Prayer is our strategy.

Would you consider joining our prayer team?  We are looking for people who have a heart for the world and a passion to pray. Intercessors are an essential part of this ministry. Prayers are accomplishing great victories in the heavenly and physical realms.

Subscribe to the Daily Prayer Guide (emailed weekly) and pray with us.

Strategic Prayer Requests
  • Pray that the Living Word would lead and empower us for His eternal purposes.
  • Pray that our team members would continue to be filled with His Spirit and joy as they are obedient to His Word and faithfully carry out the work the Lord has given them.
  • Pray that He would draw many others to partner with us to pray faithfully and fervently for this ministry.
  • Pray that He would draw ten new people to give regularly to our General Fund.
  • Pray that He would draw 12 new passionate teammates to go with His power to wherever He may be leading them.
  • Pray that He would bring us three new board members who have the gifts He knows that we need to operate in His likeness.
  • Pray that He would be lifted up and that all would be drawn to Him as we love Him and each other.
  • Pray that we would operate in perfect unity and love, choosing to be full of grace and truth so that He is glorified in our midst.
  • Pray that people would hunger for truth and that they would have an appetite for the Word in the areas where we are working, and that they may find their soul satisfaction in Him and His fullness.
  • Pray that His church would be birthed by His Spirit and grow to maturity where it is dark and there is no spiritual light, that nationals would be strengthened in their faith by His Word and would share it with their neighbours, and that they would hear and obey the Word.